Monday, October 29, 2012


I am loving this simple keychain.  When I'm going into work in the morning with a million bags around me, I love putting my keys around my wrist.  Major help.  Next I want to make up some lanyards for my ID.  For all of my teacher friends that are nice to me....maybe I'll make you one tooooooo?

More Wine Bags

Whipped up a few more wine bags!  I plan to use these at Christmas time to take for hostess gifts.

Cake Pop Galore!

Well it's my favorite thing to do!!  Make cake pop bouquets for the girls teachers!!!  I also made a few for a friend to send in with her daughter to school.  I wouldn't mind getting one of these from my students!

Coffee Cozy

Well Frank seems to think I am really ridiculous for making these.  However, I saw them on another blog and thought they were great!  How many times do you go to Wawa, Dunkin, or Starbucks and get a coffee.  Well, think green and bring one of these with you and you won't need one of those little cardboard sleeves!  Love it!!!!

Rocco's Jacket

I noticed that my little man was shivering in the mornings.  Therefore I just HAD to make him a cool skull jacket to keep him warm.  This is the best pic I could get.  He's a squirmy little wiener.

Fall Wreath

Have I mentioned how much I'm loving this mesh ribbon???

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wine Bag

I am so excited that I learned how to make these!  This will be my gift to EVERYONE at Christmas!  I can't wait to buy more fabric so that I can make a nice variety of wine tote bags.  Email me if you want one!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Trick or Treat!

Well it's that time of year to let our kids get amped up on too much sugar and, well...just let them be kids.  Not easy for us parents!  I thought it would be fun to make a few trick or treat bags for the kiddies!  These are nicely made and could be packed away and used every Halloween.  We'll see how that works out with my kiddos.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back to School cute are these??  I made two of these ribbon apples for my girls to take to their teachers.  I would LOVE if one of my students brought this in to me!!!!  My girls love their new teachers so I thought they deserved a special apple:-)

It's A Boy!

A close friend asked me to make her a gift to give to a friend that just had a baby.  I came up with a matching set which included a taggie blanket and two burp cloths.  Now I am working on a cute pink girl version:-)

Happy Birthday!

This candy bucket was a gift for my nephew.  I later added $25 dollars folded as little fans and put them into the arrangement.  I didn't take a picture of the finished product...but the look on his face when I gave it to him was priceless!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome Fall

I'm ready for Fall!!!!!  For months I have been seeing this "mesh ribbon" at AC Moore.  I have to admit....I was slightly intimidated to work with it. is awesome!  Very easy to work with and makes amazing wreaths.  This is the first one that I came up with.  I saw it on Etsy and it was selling for $50.  I thought to myself "I could totally do that!"  What do you think of my pumpkin?  It certainly will not be the last!

Kitchen Lover

I am in love with Amy Butler fabric!!  She has the best patterns and I could go crazy on  Well....maybe I did...ssshhh.  Anyway I had fun putting together this set of dish towels; apron; and oven mitt for my sister in law's birthday.

The oven mitt is a terrific invention!  It is all one piece and keeps your arms protected from splatters and is washable.  I followed the tutorial on this page to make it:

I have to admit...I'm slightly obsessed with that website.  Do you think my boss will allow me to bring my sewing machine to work???

Friday, August 24, 2012


Here is another one of my taggie blankets.  I made this with love for my new Godson!  I tried to use brown thread for his name but it kept jamming...urrrggg.  Anyway it is a special gift for my little guy...I'm honored to be his Godmother.  I love you Carlo....xoxoxoxox

Snakes from scraps

Now.... normally snakes are my WORST fear.  However they are a great way to use up your leftover scraps of fabric!  I made these for my girls and they love them!  Who would've thought?!  The great thing is they only take about 10 minutes to make.  Love that.

Mickey Birthday Bag

This was my second try with applique.  I sacrificed a new red T-Shirt to make Mickey's "pants."  It was an after thought but I think it came out super cute.  I made this for a little guy's 2nd birthday....can you guess what the theme was????

TuTu Tote

I'm always excited to receive an order for a tutu bag!  This one came out super cute with 3 layers of tulle and a pretty brown rose.  Every little girl that I know is getting one of these for Christmas!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Wedding Shower Gift

I've been wanting to give this one a try for a while now.  I finally had a chance to make cute kitchen towels!  I bought the towels and added adorable fabric ruffles to them.  Then I did my very first applique!  I used heat-n-bond to put the letter "C" on both towels and sewed them with a zig zag stitch. Next I made a coordinating apron and homemade sugar lemon scrub to complete the set.  This will be my gift for a bridal shower that I have this weekend.  I topped it all off with a homemade card!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Olympic Hostess

My aunt requested an Olympic apron for a friend of hers.  I tried high and low to create the symbolic five rings.  They are impossible.  It seemed easy until I sat down at my embroidery machine.  So I came up with her friend's last name with a flag and team USA.   I think it turned out pretty cute:-)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Baby girl card

I'm very proud of this one!  I forgot to grab a card for a baby shower so I whipped out my cricut and poof!  I think that a hand made card is the bees knees.  Take note of the cute button snaps!!  Love it!

Happy 1st Birthday

This is my latest Tutu Tote...I think it came out really cute:-)  Who doesn't like pink and leopard?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer dresses

I made these pillow case dresses for Rylie & Sophia.  They look adorable on them....I will post a pic as soon as I can.

Diaper Cakes Galore

Three more baby showers!  Baby boom....Hhmmm....Fifty Shades babies??


Before you make fun of me for the wrinkles....I promise I ironed these before giving them away!  Don't ask me why I took the picture before hand.  The kids were probably driving me bonkers.  The little apron was for a little girl at work.  The other was a bridal shower gift which proudly displayed her new name!

Thanks a latte for all you do!

Okay this is something that I wish my students would bring me!  Rylie took this to her teacher at the end of the year to say "thanks a latte for all you do!"  I loved it:-)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Phone cozies

Last winter I made a ton of iPhone/iPod covers for my friends.  It was funny sitting in the lunch room and watching everyone pull their phones out of their cases.  It made me feel good to know that they loved their "phone sweaters!"

Crayon Pals

Do you have a ton of broken crayons laying around your house like I do?  Simply melt them down into fun shapes and your kids will love them all over again.  I bagged a bunch and sold them at my last craft show.  They were all sold out:-)

Baby Shower

If you get invited to as many baby showers as I do....then these diaper cakes are a must!  They are a hit at every shower I take them to.  Each cake is filled with a bottle of champagne; Pampers Swaddlers; and coordinating ribbon and embellishments.

Crayon Rolls

Here is my latest batch of crayon rolls!  People keep asking for them and they are a hit!!!!  Let me know if you are interested:-)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Jazz up any regular birthday invitation by adding a bow and some sparkles.  Great money saver!  As you can see Sophia will be having an Olivia party this year:-)
AND THEN guess who wanted a set?!  I'm in the middle of making Sophia's...and of course they have to be Thomas the Tank Engine.  It is not easy to make Thomas look girlie....but I thought the polka dots helped a little.  So far we only have the "S."

Side note:  A friend from work mentioned that this would make a great baby shower gift.  AND also that I could make each letter of the alphabet and give it as a set.  They make it fun to learn letter recognition and spelling their own name.  LOVE IT!!!

Personalized Bean Bag Set

Okay so Rylie became obsessed with the bean bags and wanted a set for herself.  She loves these things!

Personalized Bean Bags-baby gift

I got this idea from cruising the web.  They are bean bags (filled with rice) and they spell out a little girl's name.  I made this for her for her birthday....which isn't until November.  But's good to be prepared!

Kitchen Diva

This is my latest apron that I made for a friend.  She wanted one to give to her daughter.  I think it looks cute and funky.  What do you think?